Career Growth: Why AQ is more important than IQ & EQ

Hey there! It's Friday and I hope you're having a great day. Today, I want to talk to you about your brain and how it's hugely important in the entire realm of revenue management. There are a lot of studies out there about IQ, EQ, and AQ, and AQ is going to be more and more important. 
 This becomes important when you go for your jobs in the future, all of a sudden they kind of go like, oh yeah, you were the revenue manager, but, uh, can you do marketing? Can you do sales? Can you do e-comm? Right. And all of a sudden you gotta be more than just a jack of all trades. You gotta be a mini expert in all of those fields. 
 In this episode you will learn how you can increase your AQ with simple steps to supercharge your career.
Career Growth: Why AQ is more important than IQ & EQ
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